Richard Churcher's Will
Includes a generous bequest to create a school to educate 10 or 12 boys in writing, arithmetic and navigation.
First Headmaster
Mr Charles Eade is the first appointed Master of the College.
Old College Opened
The first intake of nine boys begin their education.
A New Building on Ramshill Site
The land was given by William Nicholson MP, English gin distiller, Liberal Party politician and first-class cricket player.
Officers’ Training Corps (OTC)
The Volunteer Corps becomes OTC.
The Churcherian
First edition of the school magazine introduced by ‘Bill’ Hoggarth, who later became Headmaster in 1927.
House System Introduced
Reflecting naval history, the Houses are named after Drake, Rodney, Nelson and Grenville, with Collingwood added later.
Outdoor Swimming Pool
The River Rother was used until the opening of the open air, unheated pool.
Heath Harrison House
Generously given to the school. Initially a preparatory school until 1946.
School Captains' Inaugural Visit to Richard Churcher’s Grave
The annual visit of the Captains of College to Funtington begins.
Iolanthe and H.M.S. Pinafore
Introduction of Gilbert & Sullivan and drama productions by the new Headmaster, George Schofield.
Education Act
Churcher’s becomes a Voluntary Aided school following the Education Act of 1944.
Memorial Field
To honour the fallen, a patch of land was purchased by Old Churcherians and named Memorial Field.
Initially a senior boarding house, from 1989 the heart of the Sixth Form Centre.
New Gymnasium Complete
A new long-awaited sports facility is added to the school.
First Girls Admitted
Initially into the Sixth Form and then throughout the school.
Independent School
The move from a voluntary aided grammar school.
New College
A new set of teaching classrooms fit for a growing school.
Moreton House
The acquisition of an existing school in The Spain, Petersfield, established Churcher’s College Junior School.
Sports Hall
The Sports Hall was added to the school complex with financial support from the parent body.
Boarding Ends
Now a co-educational, independent day school.
Science Block Opened
In 2012 one further floor was added for Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
The Junior School Moves to Liphook
A new, larger home for an expanding school.
The Gallagher Swimming Pool
Designed by architect and Chair of Governors, Michael Gallagher, a new indoor heated pool.
Churcher's Wins the NatWest Schools Cup U18 Vase
The First XV win this national rugby competition with the final held at Twickenham.
United World Schools Opens Mude School in Nepal
A year after pledging our support, the school opens for the children of Mude. Fundraising support continues today.
The Nursery
The new Nursery opens on the Junior School campus in Liphook, welcoming children from two years nine months.
New War Memorial
To honour the fallen, the new war memorial is opened to commemorate the centenary of the end of WW1.
Petersfield Heath Path Complete
After seven consecutive years of work by Churcher’s pupils, the path around the pond on the Heath was completed for the whole community to enjoy.
The New Music School andGoodfield D&T Building
The largest new building yet, offering 2,500m2 of new teaching space for pupils.